A caveat with statically linked language runtimes
Most programming languages, including C and C++, provide language runtime libraries that implement parts of the language itself. These libraries must be linked in the final program or shared library.
Today we are going to see how an unfortunate default in the way shared libraries work in Linux can make our lives a bit more complicated than they have to if the language runtimes are in static libraries.
Quick recap of the C compilation model
Object files
The C compilation model, which is also used in other programming languages such as C++ or Fortran, enables separated compilation and is based on the following strategy:
- each source code file (translation unit in the C lingo) is compiled separatedly into what we could call compiled units
- all compiled units are linked together to form the program
However, this leaves lots of details up in the air, so in Linux (and many other UNIX-like environments), it looks like this:
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
) - all object files are linked together to create a program (typically all object files would be part of the final program, this is a simplified view though)
Language runtimes could, of course, use this simple model. For instance, for C
we could have a stdlibc.o
file with all the functions and global variables of
the C standard library as specified by Standard C. We would include this
hypothetical stdlibc.o
when linking a C program.
For the sake of the writing, I am going to refer to functions and global variables collectively as symbols: these are the low level names that the compiler and the linker use to identify these program entities.
The link step conveys the idea that all the symbols used (referenced) by a program are ultimately connected (linked) to its actual defining entity.
Archives (aka static libraries)
However, because of the 1-to-1 mapping of source code file to objects, it would be inconvenient to have all the C library into a single source file. Several source files are easier to handle so one would get several object files and those should have to be included in the link step.
How the language runtime library is split into source files is a detail
that the user of the runtime library should not care about. Thus, naturally, it
emerges the idea of grouping several object files. This grouping of object
files typically called an archive (typically a file whose name ends in .a
These archives are often called static libraries but they are nothing more than a collection of objects and an index.
This is accidental and not fundamental to the question: archives also allow saving some time during linking. Typically object files are handled as a whole during linking (this is a simplified explanation, there is more nuance here).
Because archives are collections of objects, library authors can make the object files as fine-grained as possible to favour the linking step so only the required object files end being part of the program. A symbol referenced by the program that is defined in an object file found inside an archive will make that object file required. Conceptually the object file is extracted from the archive and added to the link process as if it were another object file.
This also makes the linking process unavoidably order-sensitive: the order in which the archives get examined impacts on how the linking is performed.
Most of these quirky behaviours of linkers with archives are due to the way they were implemented in the first UNIX systems, where memory was scarce and computation was slow.
Archives complicate a bit the compilation model as we may no longer be generating a program. We may be generating an archive. So the compilation model looks like this:
- When generating an archive:
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
) - each object file is grouped into an archive file. In UNIX this is typically
done with the
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
- When generating a program:
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
) - all object files are linked together to create a program (typically all object files would be part of the final program, this is a simplified view though). When a symbol is not in the object files but is found in an object file in an archive, the object file is extracted and included in the link step.
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
Another accident of archives and not fundamental to the way they work, is that to speed up linking step archives are only examined once (and in the order they are provided) during the link process.
So, all the symbols that are expected to be defined in an archive (more precisely in one of its object files) should be known in advance before processing the archive. Current linkers have flags to change this default behaviour if needed.
Shared objects (aka dynamic libraries)
Libraries, embodied in archives, enable reuse of code between programs but at
expense of replicating the compiled code in every single program. This is,
any C program that uses puts
would include a copy of the code required
to implement puts
Because repeating code throughout our programs has an impact on the installed
system (our binaries are larger), naturally it emerges the idea of being able
to reuse this code without actually having to embed it in the program. This
is the core idea of dynamic libraries. In Linux, and other UNIX systems, they
are called shared objects (typically in files whose name ends in .so
Shared objects complicate a lot the whole compilation model. These days shared objects are often shunned. There are a number of reasons for that and they span from ease of deployment, safety and performance. Discussing these reasons is out of scope of this post.
If you wonder why program binaries are relatively large these days, avoiding shared libraries is one of the reasons. Modern systems provide now plenty of storage and we can accomodate this increase in size but the bloat is definitely there.
In contrast to the previous cases when only using object files or archives, the use of shared objects in our programs implies the program is incomplete. At runtime, a mechanism must exist to complete the program doing what is known as dynamic linking. This may fully happen as part of the loading of the program (which may be slow for large applications) or on demand (lazily) throughout the execution of the program. A special program, called the dynamic linker or runtime linker, is responsible to make this possible.
The compilation now looks like this:
- When generating an archive:
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
) - each object file is grouped into an archive file. In UNIX this is typically
done with the
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
- When generating a program:
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
) - all object files are linked together to create a program (typically all object files would be part of the final program, this is a simplified view though). Symbols used by the program may add to the link step additional object files extracted from archives. Shared objects can be used when linking a program. The linker only establishes a dependence with the shared object that will be used by the dynamic linker to complete the program at runtime.
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
- When generating a shared object:
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
) - all object files are linked together to create a program (typically all object files would be part of the final program, this is a simplified view though). Symbols used by the shared object may add to the link step additional object files extracted from archives. A shared object can use other shared objects. The linker only establishes a dependence with the shared object that will be used by the dynamic linker when the shared object is loaded (either because it is needed by the program or another shared object).
- each source code file is compiled into a relocatable object file or simply
object file (typically a file whose name ends in
Shared objects exports
Shared objects are a bit special because in them there is a list of symbols that they export. These are the symbols that can be used during the dynamic linking that happens at runtime. The (static) linker only establishes a dependence with the shared object, for the dynamic linker to use, but it does not specify what shared object provides a symbol.
The static linker only ensures that all the symbols can be resolved. For those appearing defined in object files and archives, the linker will also link to them. For the rest of the symbols, they must be exported by at least one shared object and this is all what the linker checks in practice. The bulk of the linking for those symbols is offloaded to the dynamic linker.
Finding what shared object provides a definition of a symbol is the task of the dynamic linker. This enables a number of features like interposition or versioning. While these features are useful they also can cause inefficiencies (any symbol might be interposed) or safety risks (it may be possible to provide an evil version of the function or global variable).
For reasons that go beyond the scope of this post (mostly historical), when creating a shared object all external (i.e., non-local) defined symbols in object files or objects extracted from archives are exported by default. Now, there are mechanisms to control what symbols get exported: it often happens that not all the symbols used by the different objects that make up a shared object are to be used outside of the library. This mechanism is called visibility control and can be enabled by different ways. In the case of GNU ld linker: a version script or additional linker flags can be used.
The case of Flang
I want to make clear that this is not a criticism of flang. The status quo may change and the problem go away.
That said, it shows an issue that may impact language implementations that use the same approach as the one used by flang described at the time of writing.
The flang compiler, is the new Fortran frontend of the LLVM project. The Fortran language is rich and a number of features must be implemented in a runtime, mostly I/O and math support.
Flang chose to use static libraries to implement that runtime. Flang has two
libraries that are considered part of its runtime libFortranRuntime.a
(for decimal floating point which to be fair is a bit of a
niche thing).
A small shared object
Consider the following small testcase.
module moo
! Global variables
integer :: var_init = 12
integer :: var_uninit
! A subroutine that is also a module procedure
subroutine sub()
print *, "hello!", var_init, var_zeroed
end subroutine sub
end module moo
Let’s make a shared object using the flang
$ flang -c -o t.o -fPIC test.f90
$ flang -shared -o libmylib.so t.o
Now let’s check the list of exported symbols. We can use nm -D
for that. The
list is very long and just its final part is shown below.
$ nm -D libmylib.so
000000000003bbc0 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io17RealOutputEditingILi8EE6IsZeroEv
000000000006b500 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io20NonTbpDefinedIoTable4FindERKNS0_8typeInfo11DerivedTypeENS_6common9DefinedIoE
0000000000021ee0 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io21ChildIoStatementStateILNS1_9DirectionE0EE19GetExternalFileUnitEv
0000000000022350 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io21ChildIoStatementStateILNS1_9DirectionE1EE19GetExternalFileUnitEv
0000000000054490 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io22InternalDescriptorUnitILNS1_9DirectionE0EE10descriptorEv
0000000000053a80 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io22InternalDescriptorUnitILNS1_9DirectionE0EE13CurrentRecordEv
0000000000053dc0 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io22InternalDescriptorUnitILNS1_9DirectionE0EE17ViewBytesInRecordERPKcb
0000000000054f10 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io22InternalDescriptorUnitILNS1_9DirectionE1EE10descriptorEv
00000000000549b0 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io22InternalDescriptorUnitILNS1_9DirectionE1EE13CurrentRecordEv
0000000000054bd0 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io22InternalDescriptorUnitILNS1_9DirectionE1EE17ViewBytesInRecordERPKcb
0000000000021710 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io24ExternalIoStatementStateILNS1_9DirectionE0EE17ViewBytesInRecordERPKcb
0000000000021930 W _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io24ExternalIoStatementStateILNS1_9DirectionE1EE17ViewBytesInRecordERPKcb
0000000000024e30 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io25FormattedIoStatementStateILNS1_9DirectionE1EE22GetEditDescriptorCharsEv
0000000000044a50 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime2io8OpenFile15InquirePositionEv
000000000002b140 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8TypeCode18GetCategoryAndKindEv
000000000006bee0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo11DerivedType13GetParentTypeEv
000000000006bf00 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo11DerivedType17FindDataComponentEPKcm
000000000006c210 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo11DerivedType4DumpEP8_IO_FILE
000000000006cda0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo14SpecialBinding4DumpEP8_IO_FILE
000000000006b7c0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo5Value8GetValueEPKNS0_10DescriptorE
000000000006b8a0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo9Component11GetElementsERKNS0_10DescriptorE
000000000006b9f0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo9Component11SizeInBytesERKNS0_10DescriptorE
000000000006b820 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo9Component18GetElementByteSizeERKNS0_10DescriptorE
000000000006bb00 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo9Component19EstablishDescriptorERNS0_10DescriptorERKS3_RNS0_10TerminatorE
000000000006bdf0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo9Component23CreatePointerDescriptorERNS0_10DescriptorERKS3_RNS0_10TerminatorEPKl
000000000006cac0 T _ZNK7Fortran7runtime8typeInfo9Component4DumpEP8_IO_FILE
0000000000020210 T _ZNSt3__122__libcpp_verbose_abortEPKcz
000000000009f1e0 V _ZZNK7Fortran7decimal27BigRadixFloatingPointNumberILi113ELi16EE16ConvertToDecimalEPcmNS0_22DecimalConversionFlagsEiE3lut
000000000009eea0 V _ZZNK7Fortran7decimal27BigRadixFloatingPointNumberILi11ELi16EE16ConvertToDecimalEPcmNS0_22DecimalConversionFlagsEiE3lut
000000000009ef70 V _ZZNK7Fortran7decimal27BigRadixFloatingPointNumberILi24ELi16EE16ConvertToDecimalEPcmNS0_22DecimalConversionFlagsEiE3lut
000000000009f040 V _ZZNK7Fortran7decimal27BigRadixFloatingPointNumberILi53ELi16EE16ConvertToDecimalEPcmNS0_22DecimalConversionFlagsEiE3lut
000000000009f110 V _ZZNK7Fortran7decimal27BigRadixFloatingPointNumberILi64ELi16EE16ConvertToDecimalEPcmNS0_22DecimalConversionFlagsEiE3lut
000000000009edd0 V _ZZNK7Fortran7decimal27BigRadixFloatingPointNumberILi8ELi16EE16ConvertToDecimalEPcmNS0_22DecimalConversionFlagsEiE3lut
What is all this, you wonder? Let’s demangle these symbols as they look like C++ symbols. We can use the -C
flag of nm
$ nm -D -C libmylib.so
000000000003de80 W Fortran::runtime::io::RealOutputEditing<10>::IsZero() const
00000000000407b0 W Fortran::runtime::io::RealOutputEditing<16>::IsZero() const
0000000000034e80 W Fortran::runtime::io::RealOutputEditing<2>::IsZero() const
00000000000374e0 W Fortran::runtime::io::RealOutputEditing<3>::IsZero() const
0000000000039770 W Fortran::runtime::io::RealOutputEditing<4>::IsZero() const
000000000003bbc0 W Fortran::runtime::io::RealOutputEditing<8>::IsZero() const
000000000006b500 T Fortran::runtime::io::NonTbpDefinedIoTable::Find(Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::DerivedType const&, Fortran::common::DefinedIo) const
0000000000021ee0 W Fortran::runtime::io::ChildIoStatementState<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)0>::GetExternalFileUnit() const
0000000000022350 W Fortran::runtime::io::ChildIoStatementState<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)1>::GetExternalFileUnit() const
0000000000054490 W Fortran::runtime::io::InternalDescriptorUnit<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)0>::descriptor() const
0000000000053a80 W Fortran::runtime::io::InternalDescriptorUnit<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)0>::CurrentRecord() const
0000000000053dc0 W Fortran::runtime::io::InternalDescriptorUnit<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)0>::ViewBytesInRecord(char const*&, bool) const
0000000000054f10 W Fortran::runtime::io::InternalDescriptorUnit<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)1>::descriptor() const
00000000000549b0 W Fortran::runtime::io::InternalDescriptorUnit<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)1>::CurrentRecord() const
0000000000054bd0 W Fortran::runtime::io::InternalDescriptorUnit<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)1>::ViewBytesInRecord(char const*&, bool) const
0000000000021710 W Fortran::runtime::io::ExternalIoStatementState<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)0>::ViewBytesInRecord(char const*&, bool) const
0000000000021930 W Fortran::runtime::io::ExternalIoStatementState<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)1>::ViewBytesInRecord(char const*&, bool) const
0000000000024e30 T Fortran::runtime::io::FormattedIoStatementState<(Fortran::runtime::io::Direction)1>::GetEditDescriptorChars() const
0000000000044a50 T Fortran::runtime::io::OpenFile::InquirePosition() const
000000000002b140 T Fortran::runtime::TypeCode::GetCategoryAndKind() const
000000000006bee0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::DerivedType::GetParentType() const
000000000006bf00 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::DerivedType::FindDataComponent(char const*, unsigned long) const
000000000006c210 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::DerivedType::Dump(_IO_FILE*) const
000000000006cda0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::SpecialBinding::Dump(_IO_FILE*) const
000000000006b7c0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Value::GetValue(Fortran::runtime::Descriptor const*) const
000000000006b8a0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Component::GetElements(Fortran::runtime::Descriptor const&) const
000000000006b9f0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Component::SizeInBytes(Fortran::runtime::Descriptor const&) const
000000000006b820 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Component::GetElementByteSize(Fortran::runtime::Descriptor const&) const
000000000006bb00 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Component::EstablishDescriptor(Fortran::runtime::Descriptor&, Fortran::runtime::Descriptor const&, Fortran::runtime::Terminator&) const
000000000006bdf0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Component::CreatePointerDescriptor(Fortran::runtime::Descriptor&, Fortran::runtime::Descriptor const&, Fortran::runtime::Terminator&, long const*) const
000000000006cac0 T Fortran::runtime::typeInfo::Component::Dump(_IO_FILE*) const
0000000000020210 T std::__1::__libcpp_verbose_abort(char const*, ...)
000000000009f1e0 V Fortran::decimal::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<113, 16>::ConvertToDecimal(char*, unsigned long, Fortran::decimal::DecimalConversionFlags, int) const::lut
000000000009eea0 V Fortran::decimal::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<11, 16>::ConvertToDecimal(char*, unsigned long, Fortran::decimal::DecimalConversionFlags, int) const::lut
000000000009ef70 V Fortran::decimal::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<24, 16>::ConvertToDecimal(char*, unsigned long, Fortran::decimal::DecimalConversionFlags, int) const::lut
000000000009f040 V Fortran::decimal::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<53, 16>::ConvertToDecimal(char*, unsigned long, Fortran::decimal::DecimalConversionFlags, int) const::lut
000000000009f110 V Fortran::decimal::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<64, 16>::ConvertToDecimal(char*, unsigned long, Fortran::decimal::DecimalConversionFlags, int) const::lut
000000000009edd0 V Fortran::decimal::BigRadixFloatingPointNumber<8, 16>::ConvertToDecimal(char*, unsigned long, Fortran::decimal::DecimalConversionFlags, int) const::lut
Indeed, this is a bunch of symbols coming from the flang runtime. Why are we exporting them?
The reason, as exposed above, is by default we will export all the symbols that
are part of the objects and objects extracted from archives during linking. The
statement involves a number of I/O routines which (possibly by
accident) are pulling in a bunch of C++ code from the library as well.
There is no need to export so many symbols, so let’s find ways to avoid this problem.
gfortran, the Fortran compiler of GCC, does not have this issue because its
runtime, libgfortran.so
, is a shared object already.
Why is this a problem?
This may seem a petty problem. After all if all the libraries used when linking our programs and shared libraries are consistent (i.e. the same libraries or compatible) this does not introduce any complication.
- We risk by accident linking to symbols that are exported by shared objects
that have nothing to do with those symbols. For instance, when using OpenMPI a shared
object is built using flang. This shared object will accidentally export those flang runtime symbols.
Our program symbols will not be linked against
but instead against the exports inlibmpi_usempif08.so
(a shared object of OpenMPI to be used by Fortran programs) - A crash in the runtime will be actually reported by the debugger in the
shared object (in the example above, the crash looks to the debugger that it
happens in
) even if the error was caused by the main program and not by the OpenMPI library. - The more symbols are exported, the slower is the dynamic linking process at runtime. Reducing those, thus, reduces that runtime cost.
- Symbols linked against exports of shared objects use a less efficient mechanism than when they are directly linked to an object.
Regarding the last point, consider the following Fortran program.
program main
print *, "hello!"
end program main
When linked alone, the runtime symbols are directly resolved using the symbols
in libFortranRuntime.a
. We can see this in the objdump
of the final binary,
check the references in the call
$ flang -O2 -o program -fPIC program.o
$ objdump --section=.text --disassemble=_QQmain program
program: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000002540 <_QQmain>:
2540: 53 push %rbx
2541: 48 8d 35 c8 7a 07 00 lea 0x77ac8(%rip),%rsi # 7a010 <_QQclXd32e6f2d1ab4707a5800ed1a42e135c0>
2548: bf 06 00 00 00 mov $0x6,%edi
254d: ba 02 00 00 00 mov $0x2,%edx
2552: e8 79 00 00 00 call 25d0 <_FortranAioBeginExternalListOutput>
2557: 48 89 c3 mov %rax,%rbx
255a: 48 8d 35 ea 7a 07 00 lea 0x77aea(%rip),%rsi # 7a04b <_QQclX68656C6C6F21>
2561: ba 06 00 00 00 mov $0x6,%edx
2566: 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
2569: e8 b2 0f 00 00 call 3520 <_FortranAioOutputAscii>
256e: 48 89 df mov %rbx,%rdi
2571: 5b pop %rbx
2572: e9 89 04 00 00 jmp 2a00 <_FortranAioEndIoStatement>
But if we link against libmylib.so
those Fortran runtime symbols are linked
against the shared object exports. In this case the symbols must go through the
procedure linkage table (PLT), which is a more involved process of linking
symbols (check the call
instructions, now they go through the @plt
as it must happen at runtime. None of this was intended when using the Fortran
$ flang -O2 -o program -fPIC program.o -L. -lmylib
$ objdump --section=.text --disassemble=_QQmain program
program: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000000012d0 <_QQmain>:
12d0: 53 push %rbx
12d1: 48 8d 35 38 0d 00 00 lea 0xd38(%rip),%rsi # 2010 <_QQclXd32e6f2d1ab4707a5800ed1a42e135c0>
12d8: bf 06 00 00 00 mov $0x6,%edi
12dd: ba 02 00 00 00 mov $0x2,%edx
12e2: e8 99 fd ff ff call 1080 <_FortranAioBeginExternalListOutput@plt>
12e7: 48 89 c3 mov %rax,%rbx
12ea: 48 8d 35 5a 0d 00 00 lea 0xd5a(%rip),%rsi # 204b <_QQclX68656C6C6F21>
12f1: ba 06 00 00 00 mov $0x6,%edx
12f6: 48 89 c7 mov %rax,%rdi
12f9: e8 12 fe ff ff call 1110 <_FortranAioOutputAscii@plt>
12fe: 48 89 df mov %rbx,%rdi
1301: 5b pop %rbx
1302: e9 c9 fd ff ff jmp 10d0 <_FortranAioEndIoStatement@plt>
Controlling exports
Typically what symbols get exported or not is defined by the visibility attribute of symbols. In C and C++, compilers have extensions to define this attribute. Fortran doesn’t typically have syntax for that. So we need to use other approaches.
Excluding libraries
The simplest, in my opinion, is to pass --exclude-libs
which is supported by
both GNU ld and LLVM lld. This is a flag for the linker, so we need to tell
the flang driver to pass the flag onto the linker using -Wl,
Let’s try linking again.
$ flang -shared -o libmylib.so t.o \
-Wl,--exclude-libs=libFortranRuntime.a \
According to the GNU ld manual
should work as
well but it didn’t in my system: ld
complained that the library
was not found.
Now the list of symbols is much shorter and we can list it all.
$ nm -C -D libmylib.so
U abort@GLIBC_2.2.5
U access@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __assert_fail@GLIBC_2.2.5
U bcmp@GLIBC_2.2.5
U close@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __ctype_toupper_loc@GLIBC_2.3
U __cxa_atexit@GLIBC_2.2.5
w __cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __environ@GLIBC_2.2.5
U environ@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __errno_location@GLIBC_2.2.5
U feraiseexcept@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fflush@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fputc@GLIBC_2.2.5
U free@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fstat@GLIBC_2.33
U ftruncate@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fwrite@GLIBC_2.2.5
U getenv@GLIBC_2.2.5
w __gmon_start__
U isatty@GLIBC_2.2.5
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U lseek64@GLIBC_2.2.5
U malloc@GLIBC_2.2.5
U memchr@GLIBC_2.2.5
U memcpy@GLIBC_2.14
U memmove@GLIBC_2.2.5
U memset@GLIBC_2.2.5
U mkstemp@GLIBC_2.2.5
U open@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pread@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_destroy@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_init@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_lock@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_unlock@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_self@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pwrite@GLIBC_2.2.5
0000000000092198 D _QMmooEvar_init
000000000009246c B _QMmooEvar_uninit
00000000000024b0 T _QMmooPsub
0000000000079000 V _QQclX43688a1c5df271c4b78af31a16dbe815
000000000007902e V _QQclX68656C6C6F21
U read@GLIBC_2.2.5
U realloc@GLIBC_2.2.5
U setenv@GLIBC_2.2.5
U snprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U stat@GLIBC_2.33
U stderr@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strcmp@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strerror@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strerror_r@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strlen@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strtol@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strtoul@GLIBC_2.2.5
U unlink@GLIBC_2.2.5
U vfprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U vsnprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U write@GLIBC_2.2.5
There is a bunch of symbols from the C Standard Library (glibc in this case) but these will be linked to a shared object, so not a problem.
We can see how our global (module) variables var_init
and var_uninit
with the module procedure sub
are exported (the names are mangled by
). We also see some internal symbols that we could just not export them
(they contain the hello!
string and the name of the file) but this is much
better than the status quo.
I think it would be a good thing if the flang driver could pass these flags to the linker (only flang knows exactly what libraries are runtime libraries). Alternatively, build systems such as cmake or meson (when they know the Fortran compiler is flang) could pass these flags when building shared objects.
Using a version script
If we are serious about symbol visibility, we can use a version
script. A version script
will allow us to be more precise naming things. For this example we will use
the fact that all symbols emitted by flang in a module start with _QM
. Of
course we can be more fine-grained if we want.
global: _QM*;
local: *;
$ flang -shared -o libmylib.so t.o -Wl,--version-script=mylib.exports
$ nm -C -D libmylib.so
U abort@GLIBC_2.2.5
U access@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __assert_fail@GLIBC_2.2.5
U bcmp@GLIBC_2.2.5
U close@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __ctype_toupper_loc@GLIBC_2.3
U __cxa_atexit@GLIBC_2.2.5
w __cxa_finalize@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __environ@GLIBC_2.2.5
U environ@GLIBC_2.2.5
U __errno_location@GLIBC_2.2.5
U feraiseexcept@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fflush@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fputc@GLIBC_2.2.5
U free@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fstat@GLIBC_2.33
U ftruncate@GLIBC_2.2.5
U fwrite@GLIBC_2.2.5
U getenv@GLIBC_2.2.5
w __gmon_start__
U isatty@GLIBC_2.2.5
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U lseek64@GLIBC_2.2.5
U malloc@GLIBC_2.2.5
U memchr@GLIBC_2.2.5
U memcpy@GLIBC_2.14
U memmove@GLIBC_2.2.5
U memset@GLIBC_2.2.5
U mkstemp@GLIBC_2.2.5
U open@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pread@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_destroy@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_init@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_lock@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_mutex_unlock@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pthread_self@GLIBC_2.2.5
U pwrite@GLIBC_2.2.5
0000000000092198 D _QMmooEvar_init
000000000009246c B _QMmooEvar_uninit
00000000000024b0 T _QMmooPsub
U read@GLIBC_2.2.5
U realloc@GLIBC_2.2.5
U setenv@GLIBC_2.2.5
U snprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U stat@GLIBC_2.33
U stderr@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strcmp@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strerror@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strerror_r@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strlen@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strtol@GLIBC_2.2.5
U strtoul@GLIBC_2.2.5
U unlink@GLIBC_2.2.5
U vfprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U vsnprintf@GLIBC_2.2.5
U write@GLIBC_2.2.5
One downside of version scripts is that they are more artisan and currently there is no good tooling around them. Also, each Fortran compiler mangles symbols differently so potentially we may need one version per supported Fortran compiler.
What about the C++ standard library?
The same issue happens if the C++ standard library is linked statically. This
is not a common scenario but sometimes, for ease of deploy or performance, it
is done. Typically the flag -static-libstdc++
is used to achieve that
is also possible but means that no shared object will be used when
linking the program).
For these cases, the techniques shown above still hold.
For the libstdc++ library of GCC:
For the libc++ library of LLVM:
Again, using a version script is also the most precise way to handle this issue of “everything gets exported by default” when building shared objects.
Version scripts can also be used to fine-grain define a backwards-compatible evolution of a library, but that would be a topic for another day.